Our inhouse Engineering and Innovation Forum undertook extensive research on petrol free alternative hand tools available on the market. This resulted in the recommendation of a number of viable alternatives which are being tested.
Careys recognise the impact of our actions on carbon emissions and are looking at various ways to use plant, equipment and technology to assist our mission to reduce emissions. It may only be a small contribution but every little helps.
We have been trialling alternatives across a number of sites with 11 of our project sites operate with no petrol.
Marble Arch Place became one of the first sites to implement the change and the project manager commented:
‘At first, understandably, the team was sceptical about using non-petrol tools – especially for the more heavy-duty work. However, after testing and trialling a range of tools on-site for over a year now, there has been no negative feedback from the team at all. The Plant & Fleet team offers a petrol-free alternative for every petrol tool we’ve used, and I’m pleased to say that, as a result, there is absolutely no petrol stored or used on our site any longer. This has enormous benefits – both in terms of improving our environmental impact and also reducing the risks our team is exposed to at work’.
The successful testing of this programme has led to our Plant & Fleet team introducing a new catalogue that includes exclusively petrol-free tools, which our site teams can order and implement.