Tell us about your current role:

I assist with all site engineering responsibilities such as setting out, surveying and calculating the quantity of materials to be used on site. I work alongside all other trades to provide information from the architectural drawings so that our skills can be combined to execute the work.

Whats you favourite project that you’ve worked on at Careys?

Battersea Power Station Phase

What would be your dream project to work on?

My dream project to work on would be the Burj Khalifa because it is world famous and the tallest. It’s also in a popular location and I would genuinely feel proud to have been a part of something so significant in the engineering world.

What advice would you give to other women considering a career in engineering?

It’s a very rewarding field to work in. It has its challenges like any other field of work but if you are dedicated and eager to learn you will achieve as much as you want in terms of success and career progression. I’d also say that being a woman in a male dominated industry is definitely more fun than it is scary. If you want a career that requires problem solving, meeting new people and constant learning then I highly recommend engineering.

Are there any women in construction you admire?

My two former colleagues Nardia and Leena have played a huge role in guiding me through my career choices. I have always wanted to work in construction and faced a few set backs along the way, but being mentored by other women that had overcome similar obstacles to myself has inspired me to keep pursuing my goals. I admire their success and the passion that they both share for their work.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years’ time

I see myself as a chartered engineer sharing my experience and expertise with other aspiring engineers and site teams. I would love to be in a position where I can confidently mentor others like myself. I also really look forward to having built a great portfolio of projects that I have been a part of.