Carey Group launches sponsorship of Stronger Together

On Anti-Slavery Day, the Carey Group are pleased to announce that we’ve signed up to become a sponsor of Stronger Together’s Construction Programme

  • The Carey Group
  • Friday 18th October 2019

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The multi-stakeholder initiative aiming to tackle modern slavery in the sector cited as one of six industries most at risk from forced labour practices. As a sponsor, the Carey Group will participate in Stronger Together’s Construction Steering Group which promotes greater awareness, develops capability and provides sector-specific support through tools and resources.

Stronger Together is a business-led initiative aiming to reduce modern slavery, particularly forced labour, labour trafficking and other hidden third-party exploitation of workers. They provide guidance, training, resources and a network for employers, labour providers, workers and their representatives to work together to reduce exploitation.

Stronger Together’s Construction Programme Manager Pamela Zielinski commented,

We are delighted to welcome the Carey Group as Sponsors for our Construction Programme. The Carey Group are joining our Founding Sponsors (Multiplex, Willmott Dixon, Unibail Rodamco Westfield and Saint Gobain) in publicly committing to tackle modern slavery in construction by increasing capability in their business and through their supply chain through our sector-specific workshops and free resources. As Sponsors, they will also join our Steering Group to continually develop the programme to ensure that together, we can tackle modern slavery in construction.

Our training and awareness programme

Our Sponsorship of Stronger Together allows us to form the backbone of our company-wide training and awareness programme and will provide posters, videos, training material and other resources in order to raise awareness and education of modern day slavery on our sites and across our teams of supervisors and managers, whilst also ensuring we work more closely with our supply chain.

Our training and awareness programme includes:

  • Companywide tool-box talk, comprising of a 2 minute video, managers briefing and feedback session, as part of our internal anti-slavery day awareness program with an e-learning module to follow.
  • Free access to Stronger Together’s one-day workshops
  • Multi-lingual site posters, translated into Punjabi, Romanian and Polish where modern day slavery is high risk amongst nationals, explaining workers’ rights and how to spot the signs of migrant workers who may be exploited by criminal gangs and abusive individuals.
  • A review of any risk contracts (with high agency numbers) and risk assessments, as well as looking at our master contract labour supplier agreements.
  • Working with Gangmasters and Labour Abuse Authority (GLAA), joining their Construction Sector Protocol Forum and participating in their last forum on 20th September 2019. As participants in the protocol we agree to:

Work in partnership to protect vulnerable workers

Agree to share information, where possible, to help stop or prevent the exploitation of workers

Work together to manage information sensitively and confidentially

Commit to raising awareness within the supply chain

Maintain momentum through this protocol by communicating regularly

Our approach to tacking modern slavery

Modern slavery is a challenging and complex topic. Therefore, we’ve broken our approach to modern slavery into several topics, and at all times we will aim to maintain a victim-centred approach. In line with our Vision and Strategy we will:

  • Create amazing environments - ensure everyone working on a Carey’s job is respected, paid for their work and able to raise concerns of exploitation.
  • Attract, train, develop and retain the best people - raise awareness of modern slavery within the business so we all know what to look for.
  • Leadership - work with our customers, subcontractor and suppliers to promote the training and awareness around modern slavery, so we know how to spot it and how to respond.

Following today’s launch of our modern slavery programmes and becoming a sponsor of Stronger Together, Julie Welch, Chief People Officer, commented

Our decision to join Stronger Together reflects our commitment to combatting modern slavery within our business and our supply chain, in an industry that is specifically at risk from forced labour practices. By launching our training programme and materials we intend to reach out to as many stakeholders as possible, to not only raise awareness but how to react and manage the situation should someone suspect there is an incident of modern slavery.

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