World Mental Health Day

Today marks the 26th annual World Mental Health day, which aims to tackle mental health difficulties and eliminate the stigma attached within the workplace.

  • The Carey Group
  • Wednesday 10th October 2018

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With one in four individuals likely to experience mental health problems each year, at Careys we strive to mitigate this and provide an open supportive forum for employees to voice their difficulties and support aiding their recovery.

We need to remove any potential stigma around mental health, as we all have it. Sometimes it’s good, other times it’s bad. Talking about it openly reduces the size of the elephant in the room and with the support we have within Careys, together we can turn the elephant into a mouse. The most important thing to know is that you’re not alone and I would implore us an as industry to talk about mental health.

Paul JohnsonGroup HSE Director

Our Employee Assistance Programme provides a 24/7 free and confidential counselling service for all our employees and their family members on a variety of different matters, from issues in the workplace, to personal concerns. Offering practical advice and professional counselling on a wide range of problems, the Employee Assistance Programme has shown to be a valuable tool.

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