Making an impact in Tower Hamlets

It’s an important part of our culture that we give all employees opportunities to apply their skills outside of the workplace and give back to local communities in and around the areas in which we work.

  • The Carey Group
  • Friday 21st September 2018

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This is made possible through Careys Foundation. Since the launch of our volunteering initiative last year, we’ve seen employees take on a wide range of charitable activities supporting people in need; from spending time with the elderly, providing hot meals for the homeless and devoting time to marginalised members of society.

Whether taken on as a team or independently, we consistently receive fantastic feedback from our employees and the charities they support, sharing their experiences first hand through our internal communication platforms. Dedicating time to the community of Tower Hamlets, Careys Marketing and Communication Team took on their volunteer day together at St Leonard's Priory, an overgrown and unkept local church ground, creating a footpath for visitors through removing weeds and setting crushed aggregate and creating a garden area. Check out the video below for a fun insight of the teams experience.

It was a hardworking day spent with everyone and worth feeling sore the next day!

Carys AllotInternal Marketing Graduate

For more information on Careys Foundation and our volunteering initiative click here.

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